

  • AIAri Member architects may submit projects located worldwide
  • The project must be submitted by a licensed architect of record
  • Non-AIAri members licensed to practice in the state of Rhode Island may only submit projects located in Rhode Island
  • Built projects must have been substantially completed after January 1, 2011
  • Projects that have been honored in a past AIAri Design Awards program are not eligible (unless the project was submitted in the Unbuilt    category, and the project has since been built)
  • Each entrant may submit any number of eligible entries with the appropriate fees for each entry
  • Work by the firms of design professionals serving as jury members this year is not eligible
  • The submitted work must be eligible for publicity and reproduction

Awards may be given in two levels for each category:

  • Honor Awards – for projects that show outstanding achievement in architectural design
  • >Merit Awards – for projects with noteworthy achievement in architectural design

Announcement and presentation of the Awards will be made during the AIAri Design Awards Celebration on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at Linden Place, Bristol, RI. Publication and exhibition of award-winning projects will be sought by AIAri after the awards ceremony.


The entrant must specify the category that the project is being submitted for in each project submission. The jury may elect to honor projects in each category or may choose to make no distinction at all. The categories for 2015 are:

  • Residential
  • Urban Planning / Urban Design
  • Educational / Institutional
  • Historic Preservation
  • Commercial / Industrial
  • Adaptive Reuse / Renovation
  • Civic / Infrastructure
  • Unbuilt
  • Interiors

Sustainable Aspects: Please include any information on sustainable aspects for the project.  
Some features may include predicted versus actual annual energy usage,  zEPI Score, notable sustainable building features, any rating systems (i.e. LEED, Green Globes, IgCC compliant) or if NetZero or Passive House.’

All submissions for the AIAri Design Awards must be digital. No binders will be accepted. The decisions of the jurors will be based solely on the materials submitted. All materials listed below shall be formatted on ten (10) pages or less, not larger than 8 1/2” x 11” each, and submitted as three (3) separate PDF documents named with the project name and competition number. Numbers are assigned when you register your project with your payment. The file size of all documents combined shall not exceed 16MB. All reference to the architecture firm must be concealed on all materials that will be reviewed by the jury.

1. SUBMISSION FOR REVIEW (Filename format: ##_ProjectName_Submission.pdf, where ## is your competition number) (8 pages total)
Do not include the name of the firm or other team members submitting the project for review or any elements of the firm brand identity in this document.
Project Information Sheet – A typed, bulleted outline not to exceed one (1) page including the following project information:

  • Project Name
  • Category
  • Location
  • Completion Date
  • Construction Cost/SF (if allowed by client)
  • Narrative description of the project that includes:
    • The responsibility of the architect 
    • Client type
    • Site description
    • Program of the project
    • Special constraints
    • Design solution
    • Sustainable aspects of the project, if any
  • Drawings that best represent the project (e.g. site plan, floor plans, elevations, and sections)
  • Project photographs or black-and-white or color images. More than one (1) image per page is acceptable. Images should be of high quality.

2. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SHEET (Filename format: ##_ProjectName_Indentification.pdf, ## is your competition number)

  • One (1) page on firm letterhead and includes identification of the project, including project location, client name, firm name, any associated architecture firms, contractors or construction managers, engineering firms, and other consultants. The document should include contact information for your firm. (1page)

3. PHOTO RELEASE FORM (Filename format: ##_ProjectName_PhotoRelease.pdf, ## is your competition number)

  • A completed, signed, and dated copy of the photo release form included with this call for entries. (1 page)

The entry fee for the first project submitted is $150. The fee for additional projects is $100. To enter any project in multiple categories, please prepare separate entries for each category and include an additional $100 per project per category.

Register your projects online at http://tinyurl.com/hecpqwl by 5:00PM by Friday, September 14, 2016.

Late Registration: Projects submitted after September 14, 2016 will be charged $200.00 per entry.

Complete entry submissions must be received at AIAri by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 28, 2016.

To register by mail, send the included entry form with your check to :
Attention: AIAri Design Awards
P.O. Box 9325
Providence, RI 02940


AIAri Design Awards Celebration will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2016  at Linden Place, 500 Hope Street, Bristol, Rhode Island. Discounted Design Awards Celebration tickets are available for $55.00 for those who submit an entry to the AIAri Design Awards and purchase their Design Awards Celebration tickets with their entry submission.  Click here to purchase tickets. Tickts purchased after the entry date are $75.00 for AIA Members and $85.00 for Non-Members.

Please make all checks payable to AIA Rhode Island. All fees are non-refundable and late registration will not be accepted.

Once you have registered your submission and received your submission number you may upload your submission via the form below.  Please contact Jennifer Zolkos with any questions at 401-272-6418 or execdir@aia-ri.org