Events & Programming Committee

Events & Programming Committee

See the Chapter Calendar for when the Events & Programming Committee meets.

The committee has 4 official charges:

  1. Create subcommittees as required to plan and execute events requested and supported by the Board of Directors, including but not limited to:
  • a social event that introduces attendees to chapter committees
  • Annual Billiards Night
  • Bi-annual Green RI sustainable product showcase
  • Education-based Summer Conference
  • Golf Classic in conjunction with AIA-Forum
  • Annual Meeting & Design Awards Celebration.  Coordinate with ExCom on the agenda for the business meeting; the President will chair the business meeting. Coordinate with Honors and Awards Committee on Design Awards program; Jury Liaison and other committee members will host the Design Awards program.
  • Design showcases of member and/or student affiliate work.
  1. Propose new events that align with the Chapter’s Strategic Plan, for Board of Directors review, approval, and funding. Event proposals should be submitted to the Board in written form acceptable to the ExCom.
  2. Assist the E.D. plan/host CEU events that align with the Chapter’s Strategic Plan, either planned independently or in coordination with community partners and/or local providers.
  • Review opportunities for chapter to be a CEU provider and provide units for committee participation.
  • Plan/create/host robust webinar series on architectural history with a focus outside of Europe and Egypt (i.e. Africa, China, India, Indigenous America, Japan, Russia, etc…). Solicit RFPs from distinguished scholars, historians, and/or architectural historians to provide and lead authentic educational opportunity to members.
  1. Identify 1 member to liaison to the communications committee.

If you are interested in joining or contributing to any of these items, please contact Roni Phipps at roni.phipps[@].