Architect Licensure – Exam

Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®)

The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) is an independent nonprofit non-governmental organization, founded in 1919 during an American Institute of Architects (AIA) convention in Nashville, TN. The organization’s experience and examination standards have been adopted by Rhode Island. Both the AXP and the ARE are organized under 6 headings:

  • Practice Management (PcM)
  • Project Management (PjM)
  • Programming & Analysis (PA)
  • Project Planning & Design (PPD)
  • Project Development & Documentation (PDD)
  • Construction & Evaluation (CE)

The ARE assesses a licensure candidate’s knowledge and skills to provide various services required in the practice of architecture. No single examination can test for competency in all aspects of architectural practice; the ARE is not intended for that purpose. The ARE concentrates on the professional services that affect the public’s health, safety, and welfare. The exam is organized into six practice-based divisions (see headings above); each division is broken down into multiple sections, and each section has objectives on which candidates will be assessed.

  • The ARE 5.0 Handbook and Test Prep Video Series are essential resources.
  • The Chapter’s Emerging Professionals Committee has an ARE Study Material library that members can use. There is a regular study group which meets regularly; see the Chapter Calendar and/or contact Austin Blanks about meeting times and locations.