About AIA Rhode Island

Architect: Vision 3 Architects

About AIA Rhode Island

Founded in 1875, The American Institute of Architects Rhode Island, Inc. (AIA Rhode Island) is a 501(c)(6) professional association representing over 250 architects, architectural design professionals, and allied members. Members adhere to a code of ethics and professional conduct that assures the client, the public, and colleagues of a member architect’s dedication to the highest standards in professional practice. Allied members include engineers, contractors, owners/clients, public officials, other allied professionals, students, and others interested in design and the built environment.

AIA Rhode Island is highly committed to excellence in architecture and service to the public, endeavoring to bring together and serve all who are interested in the art and science of architecture. The organization is dedicated to enhancing the quality of our built environment, and thereby the quality of life. AIA Rhode Island aspires to increase the public’s knowledge and understanding of the architectural profession, expand the knowledge of all participating in the architectural process, and improve the quality of services provided by architectural professionals. The organization offers many programs that enhance the public understanding of design, as well as the practice of architecture. AIA Rhode Island is a state component of The American Institute of Architects, and is the seventh oldest AIA chapter.


AIA Rhode Island advocates for the role of architecture and architects, in elevating the quality of the built environment for all.


AIA Rhode Island will strengthen outreach and engagement to become the leading professional resource for members and the Rhode Island community.

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