The AIA New England Regional Council recently held its annual meeting at the AIANE Regional Conference + Awards, October 20, in Portsmouth, NH. The AIANE Regional Council consists of New England AIA Component presidents, executive directors, Council officers, and representatives from other AIA membership groups. It meets four times a year and is responsible for providing effective engagement with the National organization, enabling regional leadership development, and supporting shared interests and benefits among the state and local components.
Officers for 2018 are: Alan Lagocki AIA from Connecticut, president; Paul Bourbeau AIA, from New Hampshire, president-elect; Helen Fantini AIA (Western MA), secretary-treasurer; and Vada Seccareccia Assoc. AIA (Rhode Island), as immediate past president.
Two AIANE Regional Council members are representatives on the AIA Strategic Council: Rich Connell AIA (Connecticut) and Judy Johnson AIA (Maine). Judy is also a former president of the AIANE Council. Hilary Barlow AIA (BSA) was appointed a Strategic Council representative to begin in 2019, after Rich completes his term. The AIA Strategic Council is charged with surveying the evolving climate of the profession, engaging in strategic planning that informs the overall goals of the Institute, and informing the Board of Directors and other Institute bodies about important professional issues and opportunities.
Katelyn Chapin AIA (Connecticut) was named as the new Young Architects Regional Director to the Young Architects Forum for 2018-2019, replacing Elizabeth Cox AIA (BSA), who just completed a three year term. The YAF addresses issues of particular importance to recently licensed architects.
Stephanie Herring is the current (2017-2018) Regional Associates Director to the AIA National Associates Committee, representing and advocating for Associates, both mainstream and non-traditional, in the region and giving that community a strong voice within the American Institute of Architects.
Nancy Ludwig FAIA (BSA) was named earlier this year as a New England College of Fellows representative, taking over for Peter Kuttner FAIA, and joining Glen Gregg FAIA (CT). The AIA College of Fellows seeks to stimulate a sharing of interests among Fellows, promote the purposes of the Institute, advance the profession of architecture, and mentor young architects.
John Robinson AIA (Western MA) is completing his service on the AIA Resilience and Disaster Assistance Committee. AIA will be appointing a new representative from New England later this fall. The committee assists AIA chapters and members in preparing to assist communities following natural disasters and in working with jurisdictions and the larger disaster-response community.
Steve Kredell AIA (VT) is stepping down as the New England representative on the AIA Small Firm Roundtable. The board selected Michael Lassell AIA (Maine) as his successor to that group. The Small Firm Roundtable works to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms.
General words of thanks were offered to all who have – and are currently – giving of their time and expertise to further the AIA New England mission. If you are interested in becoming involved with the AIA New England Council, please contact Vada Seccareccia,