Gallery Night :: Providence

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 Join AIA Rhode Island for their monthly Gallery Night :: Providence exhibition. Admission is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Gallery Night :: Providence

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{andreozzi{{Andreozzi Architects located in Barrington, RI, specializes in historic based archetypes with a concentration in the Neo- New England vernacular with projects from New England to the Bahamian Islands. David Andreozzi, a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design in 1984 with Bachelor of […]

Gallery Night : Providence- Tangram Architecture and Urban Landscape

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{tangram-croppe{{Winning Europan 1 (1988-1989) - a bi-annual European design competition for young architects - with a daring design for flexible living in The Hague, was the starting point of TANGRAM. At the office now work around 15 members of staff, led by Charlotte ten […]