Gallery Night :: Providence

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 Join AIA Rhode Island for their monthly Gallery Night :: Providence exhibition. Admission is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Gallery Night :: Providence

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{andreozzi{{Andreozzi Architects located in Barrington, RI, specializes in historic based archetypes with a concentration in the Neo- New England vernacular with projects from New England to the Bahamian Islands. David Andreozzi, a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design in 1984 with Bachelor of […]

Gallery Night : Providence- Tangram Architecture and Urban Landscape

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{tangram-croppe{{Winning Europan 1 (1988-1989) - a bi-annual European design competition for young architects - with a daring design for flexible living in The Hague, was the starting point of TANGRAM. At the office now work around 15 members of staff, led by Charlotte ten […]

Gallery Night: 2014 AIAri Design Awards Winners

AIAri Windows on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{aiariwin}} This exhibition showcases the range of work done by Architects in RI and throughout the country. The work displayed resonates the dynamic in architectural styles particularly in RI. It demonstrates the creativity, precision and determination of how architects work to shape the built environment. […]

Gallery Night: ACE and DownCity Design Student Work

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903  {{acedowncity}} This month's Gallery Night will feature the work of two local programs focusing on design education. ACE Rhode Island gives Providence area high school students a chance to work closely with building industry professionals, who help them explore the many opportunities available in […]

Gallery Night: Aaron Usher

LOCATION: AIAri Window on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{usher}} Aaron Usher will exhibit photography highlighting his 35 years photographing buildings throughout New England for architects, interior designers, construction companies and similar clients. While he will favor the more recent assignments, he will also include images that have been important to his early […]

Gallery Night: Hagerty House 1.011

AIAri Windows on Architecture, 158 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903 {{hagerty{{In the 1930s, Walter Gropius worked with Marcel Breuer to design a house in the costal Massachusetts town of Cohasset. This epitome of principled design, Hagerty House, is as much a work of progressive genius as it is an emblem of tortured compromise. Over 75 […]

AIAU – Live Course: Is Your Firm Prepared? Business Continuity Planning for Architects

Live Course: Is Your Firm Prepared? Business Continuity Planning for Architects Floods, cyber-attacks, pandemics, and unexpected staff absences are just a few of the risks that can prevent architecture firms from remaining open and profitable during disaster and disruption. And yet only 22% of firms with 1–19 employees have a Business Continuity Plan. Register Here - […]

AIAU LIVE – Examining the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Join us on Thursday, April 2, from 3:00 - 4:00 pm ET, for a webinar to examine the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.  On Friday, March 27, after days of intense negotiations, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law. This sweeping $2.2 trillion emergency stimulus package […]

Online CE Webinar – High Performance Coatings for Commercial Spaces (Sherwin Williams)

Paint 201 | High Performance Coatings for Commercial Spaces (Sherwin Williams) 1.0 HSW - Register for Zoom CE webinar, required  COURSE DESCRIPTION:Commercial and light industrial projects typically require high-performance coating solutions to provide optimal performance against abrasion, chemicals, moisture and other harsh conditions common to these types of buildings. Technological advancements have created high-performance coatings that not only provide the aesthetics […]