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2015 Sustainable Practices Lecture & Seminar Series Featuring “Vegetated Roofs – Green you can Bank Onâ€
Thu April 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Roger Williams University, One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI 02809, Arch 132 DF Pray Foundation Lecture Theatre
{{greenroof{{With the establishment of all new markets comes a point when the hype dies off and the industry takes a sober look at emerging new technologies. Vegetated or “green” roofs entered the North American market over a decade ago, and now with Government backing through policy and incentives, have reached a level of market maturity. However, questions remain about the economic and environmental benefits of green roofs, and how to quantify and optimize their performance. Award-winning green roof designer and horticulturist Rick Buist will walk you past the pitfalls, policy errors, and “greenwashing” that can threaten the green roof market, and demonstrate a proven route
Rick Buist, is President of Bioroof, Inc. and principal consultant to Tremco’s Vegetated
Roofing Program throughout North America. He is an award-winning designer and
horticulturist and is consulted regularly by design professionals to troubleshoot green
roof failures and help design systems to meet specialized roles. For over a decade, Rick
has been involved in the design and/or installation of hundreds of green roof projects
representing millions of square feet throughout North America. Some of his early
projects were in Canada, where iconic landmarks such as the award-winning Canadian
War Museum, the LEED platinum Manitoba Hydro Building, the Canadian Museum for
Human Rights, the LEED platinum David Suzuki School employed innovative green
roofs, establishing benchmarks of performance in areas of storm water and cooling.
Rick is a pioneer in the establishment of native urban meadows on rooftops and is a key
consultant to the University of Toronto’s G.R.I.T Lab studying performance variables of
green roof systems. He is passionate about creating pertinent research and has been
involved in projects spanning the continent, from Emory University in Atlanta to
Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Rick is a past director of the industry association, Green
Roofs for Healthy Cites, past Chair of their Corporate Members Committee, and past
Chair of their Technical Sub-Committee on Growth Media. He was also instrumental in
the development of the industry’s Green Roof Professional Training Courses.
Tremco Inc. and AIA RI are Registered Providers with The American Institute of
Architects Continuing Education Systems. 1.25 AIA HS&W Learning Units earned on
completion of this program and will be reported to CES Records for AIA members.
Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available on request.